Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Learning To Read and Voting

Featuring special guest blogger, AJ's Dad!!!

Yesterday morning was a daddy / son bonding morning (kind of). AJ had a miserable and restless night Sunday night and based on the thick, icky, green gunk coming out of his nose I was pretty sure that AJ needed to go see the doctor.

A visit to the doctor's office confirmed that AJ had a sinus infection.

Nevertheless, he was not contagious and off to school he went. Which he was happy about because he got to go play with all his friends.

So when I went to go pick him up from school he was in a really good mood and very hyper (Ahh, toddlers strung out on decongestants!). I herded him into the van and we began to make our way home. We had to stop at a traffic light at the corner of the street that his daycare is on.

AJ immediately got excited and began pointing to the field to the left saying, "Look, Daddy! Look! See that over there!?".

I looked over to the left and saw nothing but an empty field and replied, "No, AJ. What are you looking at?"

"That sign over there, Daddy! It says, 'Go to school'!"

I looked again and to my amazement was a sign kind of behind the multitude of signs for the various builders in there area. It wasn't extremely visible but it was there. And the sign was emblazoned with the name of AJ's daycare with an arrow pointing the way.

Ok, so it didn't really say "Go to school" but it had the name of the school and pointed in the right direction so I'm giving AJ credit for this one. He passed his first reading test.

On another note. Yesterday was the first day to early vote in the Primary Runoffs. After leaving the doctor's office I stopped at the early voting polling place to cast my ballot. AJ went in with me asking the whole time, "What we gonna' do, Daddy?"

"We are going to vote, son"


So I get signed in and go to a voting booth. I picked up AJ so he could watch what I was doing as I dialed in my selections. Then when I was finished I let AJ push the 'Cast Ballot' button. AJ has now cast his first ballot. At the risk of getting too political here I am extremely proud to report that my son has grown up to be a Republican!!

In the van a very proud AJ kept repeating, "We voted! We voted!"

I'm so proud of that little boy!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, AJ's daddy! Y'all voted! Y'all voted!!

And AJ READING!!! *swoon*