Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Case of the "Lazies" and Mindless Ramblings

My inner lazy couch potato is in turmoil. We have our house on the market, which means it has to be "show ready" basically at all times. With 2 adults, a shedding cat and a 4 year old in the house that becomes a full time job. Instead of relaxing at the end of a long work day (which lately has been full of new creative projects and marketing projects)to watch a little TV and play with AJ, I am constantly cleaning. I feel like I'm just cleaning the same things OVER and OVER and OVER.

At work we are re branding the company, and as the marketing manager, that means a lot of new tasks to keep up with. The creative juices are running kind of dry. I INTEND to write regular blog posts; and often remark that I will write about something the AJ has done. But I just can't seem to get motivated to actually TYPE anything.

I've started a Facebook account. I manage to "somewhat" keep on top of that, but it doesn't require any extended amount of time. Just a sentence or two between projects.

We have gotten to spend a lot of fun family time lately that at least the hubby has been posting about. And I'm kind of geeked about watching AJ at his first Tae Kwon Do testing this Saturday...he's getting so grown up...I can't seem to keep the child in pants that actually cover his ankles. I can't wait for Spring and Summer so he can wear shorts every day.

And on top of that, it's only about two months until the March for Babies. Team AJ has signed up again to participate, but I haven't gotten around to any serious fundraising. I'm torn on whether to do it all this year, but we have always made it a family priority to remember the struggles AJ had.

I just can't think about that right now. I'll think about that tomorrow. Fiddle dee dee.

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