Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wardrobe Malfunction

There seemed to be a little confusion when we picked AJ up from school yesterday afternoon. He was wearing someone else's shorts and underwear. The little boy who owned them was wearing AJ's clothes. We were a little concerned about how this could have occurred until we remembered that they had "splash day" yesterday. The teacher must have switched their clothes when they changed out of their swimsuits. We needed to switch them back before we left the school, and AJ decided that I should do it. Then we had a minor meltdown because he liked wearing the Scooby Doo underwear...

He never seemed to stop chatting from the time we got home until he went to bed last night. He barely even ate any of his dinner because he had so much to say. He's getting a bad habit of repeating what he wants about 912 times. I had a headache, and told him "I understood you after the first 47 times"... Daddy fell out laughing at me. I however, just needed the incessant repetition to stop...

I know I have been getting more sporadic with my posting, but work has really picked up and there hasn't been much time.


mommiebear2 said...

Taylor just loved his Scooby Doo underwear at that age but right now I am afraid we;re going through a stage where playing is ore important then going potty so heellooo accidents. Grrrr..

AJsMom said...

We have been having a more accidents since AJ got promoted to his new classroom 3 weeks ago. These teachers ask him if he needs to potty, and of course he says no because he doesn't want to stop what he's doing. They take him at his word rather than making him go try.

Trixie Twatwaffle said...

Please just buy the boy some Scooby undies.... he NEEDS them. I just know it. :)

AJsMom said...

Funny you say that, Margaret. AJ's newest (overused) phrase is "I need it". I guess I NEED to go shopping (for Scooby Doo undies)